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Sunday, May 12, 2024

Bestiary Living Spells

 I have taken a break from ancestries and decided to work on Living Spells! Sorry it been awhile but life got busy. Also no art, LEGO or otherwise as I am not sure how to make LEGO version of these or Hero Forge for that matter!

As becoming the normal there will be a Google Link below to the actual stat blocks, their is five of them, along with a list of already existing creatures in Eberron that have similar vibes to Living Spells that you could chose to use instead of or in addiction what I have here. 


Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Remastered Kalashtar Ancestry, NPC Gallery and Path of Light

 Shardfinder Remastered Continues! Next we have everyone's favorite not quite human ancestry kalastar! This is a much more complete ancestry then last go around, once more I include some NPC kalastar in their own gallery and as it quite import aspect of kalastar culture identify I have also made a Path of Light deity stat block for the faithful among our sharing dual souled kalastar! The Links below will take you to google docs.

Kalastar soul siblings strike against the Darkness!

Kalastar Ancestry

Kalastar NPC Gallery

Path of Light Deity Block

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Remastered Shifter Ancestry and NPC Gallery

More Shardfinder Remaster! Hopefully I start getting these out faster. Re-presenting the Shifter Ancestry! So up front this is created with the assumption you ban Beastkin Heritage as I have absorb a big chunk of those ideas/feats into this 'brew of Shifter. All together I feel this is a much fuller version then my last one; though still might be some growing pains and I always welcome feedback. A lot of the inspiration of this is coming from the 3(.5)e Eberron material. 

Additionally beside the ancestry I have provided a small Shifter NPC gallery you can use in your games; be it Shardfinder or Pathfinder 2e in general. I apologize for making a blog to just present links toGoogle  doc files but right now this is the best way to present my creations to you but I am open to future alternatives if anyone has suggestions.

To learn more about Eberron check out the Wiki, ECS, Eberreronicon or other Eberron resources.

A Shifting Shifter

Shifter Ancestry

Shifter NPC Gallery

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Remastered Changelings Ancestry and NPC Gallery

 Hey everyone! So PF2 Remastered is out and I am remastered what I have put out myself. Hopefully after that will be more Shardfinder content to come. Today I am presenting my remastered Eberron changeling (in Shardfinder Pathfinder's changelings will use the name hagfolk and/or hexkin. As usual this is presented in mind that you have/familiar with ECS or the Eberronicon.

So Blogger and me are having a disagreement about formatting so we trying something new; below will be links to google docs. The first with be remastered Changeling Ancestry which feels more balance and more complete. The second link with be to my Changeling NPC Gallery to give you some Changelings you can sprinkle into your campaigns; be it Eberron or otherwise. As always I welcome feed back and adore stories of using my 'brew.


Changeling (Eberron) Ancestry

Changeling (Eberron) NPC Gallery

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Hero Point Expansion; Actions Points are Back?

 In the 3.5 days of DnD one thing that separated Eberron from other settings was an additional rule set it gained called Action Points; in short you gain X points at each level and could use them to add a 1d6 to d20 rolls. Serves a very similar place as PF2’s Hero Points; and the element was such a core part of the setting/game that there was feats to expand Action Points and even prestige classes (think the none class Archetypes) that also played with Action Points. In the spirit of those 3.5 days that is the focus of Shardfinder’s conversions I have come up with Hero Point expanding General Feats and one class feat below for your PF2 Eberron games.

Speaking of Hero Points, have you heard of Paizo’s Hero Point Deck? It is a fun tool; at its base it is a cheaper version of the Hero Point token coins if you like to give physical objects to remind players they have hero points but it does more! It provides alt ways to use Hero Points and different rules on how to offer the options. You might want to consider also utilizing this deck to increase that pulp action as well.

Please let me know how these feats work in your games or even the Hero Point Deck!



Your luck seems more reliable than other adventurers’. Whenever you use a Hero Point to reroll your d20, roll 2d20 and pick the highest for your result.



There are rare moments where time seems to slow down for you.

Trigger You are rolling Initiative.

[Free Action] You may spend a Hero Point to gain Quickened 1 until the end of your next turn.



You seem to be able to push your luck more than most heroes.

You start sessions with an additional Hero Point and your Hero Point limit goes up by 1.




While raging you seem to make your own luck.

Trigger You take the Rage Action [Free Action] You gain a Hero Point; this Hero Point must be used first if you use any Hero Points and if your rage ends for any reason before this Hero Point is used then the Hero Point is immediately lost. (You cannot use this hero point to stabilize as you lose it as you go unconscious.)

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Pervasive magic: Road to Dragonmarks and Manifest Zones

 Looking for a way to have Dragonmarks and Manifest Zones in your PF2 Eberron campaign? You may want to check out Pervasive Magic in Secrets of Magic (SoM) pg 218.

Of course you can find most of the rules there on AoN but might miss any fluff or additional info boxes that are important but the short version is Pervasive Magic rules represent a world where all aspects are infused with magic and everything is associated with the magical traditions including gaining innate spells including the player’s’ characters but also the wildlife.

This also brings in specific Background options and feats to increase this inherit magic that can be used instead of class feats and finally magical terrain (more on that later).

Now using these rules I think we can pretty quickly bring in the flavor of Dragonmarks into Eberron.

  1. Make Eberron a Pervasive Magical world BUT only those with ties to the Dragonmark houses can take the feats to advance their magic effectively making those feats the Dragonmarks manifesting. I think this certainly fits a flavor/style of Eberron some people like to sell but I don’t find most mechanics/adventures actually provide. This leads to potentially very open spell list options though I personally limit each house to one tradition of magic and you might want to make specific limited lists if you like or not allow some of the feats to limit how high the marks can provide.

  2. If using free archetype optional rules perhaps give those with ties to the Dragonmark houses the pervasive cantrip and access to the feats to increase their innate spells representing advancement of their marks.

  3. Create/use a background that grants the ties to a Dragonmark house and the starting pervasive cantrip and also gives access to the feats to further thier innate spells.

  4. Skip giving the base pervasive cantrip but allow access to the feats if they have appropriate background or written story element; just alter the first one to grant the two cantrips instead of additional.

Just some possibilities to help you get started with how to use the pervasive magic rules in your PF2 Eberron Campaign. Below I present a moral formal idea if I used this as a starting point though I am also working on a Dragonmark system based around ancestry feats but this might turn into my baseline for a Dragonmark Heir Archetype but before getting into that I want to get into Manifest Zones!

Also in the chapter about Pervasive Magic is Magical Terrain, guidelines on places charged with magical or magical influences. In short sounds just like manifest zones. While not extensive it should as a good starting point and guidelines to bringing Manifest Zones to your campaign!

Possible Dragonmark System

HOUSE SCION          Background 

| RARE |

Requirement Your ancestry is associated with a Dragonmark House

You manifest your least Dragonmark early or quickly during your Dragonmark Trial and are raised in the ways of your house. Choose a house associated with your ancestry and story with GM approval. You gain Pervasive Magic’s Tradition traits (SoM pg. 219) with the following changes; your tradition and associated ability score is based on your Dragonmark house. Additionally you gain your house’s skill and lore skill about your chosen house. Choose two ability boosts. One must be associated with your house’s ability scores and the other is a free boost.

See below for House Details.


House Medani

Ancestry Half-Elf heritage

Tradition Arcane

House Skill Survival

Casting Ability Wisdom

Boost Wis or Con


House Tharashk

Ancestry Half-orc heritage (optional Human with a orc/half orc ancestor)

Tradition Arcane

House Skill Survival

Casting Ability Wis

Boost Wis or Con


House Vadalis

Ancestry Human (without a heritage that grants additional ancestry traits)

Tradition Primal

House Skill Nature

Casting Ability Wis

Boost Wis or Con


House Jorasco

Ancestry Halfing (without a heritage that grants additional ancestry traits)

Tradition Divine

House Skill Medicine

Casting Ability Wis

Boost Wis or Con


House Ghallanda

Ancestry Halfing (without a heritage that grants additional ancestry traits)

Tradition Occult

House Skill Diplomacy

Casting Ability Cha

Boost Cha or Con


House Cannith

Ancestry Human (without a heritage that grants additional ancestry traits)

Tradition Arcane

House Skill Crafting

Casting Ability Int

Boost Int or Str


And that just examples to get you started; might finish this list in a follow up post for that Background.

Then Cantrip Casting can become Least Dragonmark providing the same as the background but with more cantrips or expanding the cantrips if you already have the background. Of course Least Dragonmark have the limits as the Background as well for our selection of spells. Basic Spellcasting becomes Lesser and Expert Spellcasting becomes Greater. You can drop Master Spellcasting as an option or use it to represent more control or add a new stage of Dragonmark like Superior or make Greater be Great and Master Spellcasting is now Greater. Of course you are limited to your houses’ Spell Tradition for your spell selection.

I hope that helps and gives some ideas on how to bring Pathfinder 2e into your Eberron Campaign!

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Bestiary Daelkyr Symboint


Conversion from ECS 3.5

New Creature Trait


Symbionts are living creatures that can also serve as equipment ranging from weapons, armor and possibly tools that are created and used by planar invaders called the Daelkyr. They are unwaveringly loyal to their creators and do everything to serve them including manipulating, intimidating or outright abusing those they are attached to into serving or completing Daelkyr goals. They always have Attach, Independent, Suppress, and Hinder features. Those with more potent abilities will have a weakness to the special material byeshk and tend to grant a version of that weakness to their hosts. Some rare and powerful symbionts might be able to outright take over their host if they do not comply in serving the Daelkyr.

(Symbionts are akin to Intelligent items but are actual creatures and usually have drawbacks in their use which is why no Investment cost on them. Given the nature of symbionts and how they can potentially act toward a PC it is highly encouraged to check in with your players about including such behavior in your campaign before allowing/using symbiont on a character.)


The Living Breastplate sort of looks like a giant beetle made to roughly resemble a tailess scorpion that gives the impression of upper body armor.


| Uncommon | LE | Tiny | Aberration | Symbiont |

Perception +5, Blindsight 30 feet (precise)

Languages Undercommon (does not speak), Host Telepathy

Skills Athletics +4, Acrobatics +3, Stealth +3, Daelkyr Lore +6, Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +9

Str -3, Dex -4, Con +1, Int 0, Wis +2, Cha +2


AC 17; Fort +10 (Treat Critical Failures as Failures), Ref +4, Will +7

HP 25

Weakness Byeshk 3

Immunity Visual

Stabilize Host <Reaction> (healing) Trigger Host Gains the dying condition or the dying condition value would increase. Effect The Living Breastplate’s host stabilizes and does not gain the Wounded Condition or the Wounded Condition value does not increase. The Host’s Enfeebled value goes up by 1.

Host Telepathy As long as the host has a language Living Breastplate can telepathically communicate with them.


Speed 5 feet

Melee <Action> +6 Pincher (unarmed) Damage 1d6 piercing

Attach <<<3 Actions>>> Requirement Target must be Willing or Helpless and not already wearing Armor (A Living Breastplate could remove the armor of a Helpless Target adding the needed number of actions and turning this into an Activity) Effect The Living Breastplate attaches itself to the Target which is now referred to as the host; digging tendrils into the host’s body forming the bond. The Host becomes Enfeebled 1 and recovers this condition as per standard Drain recovery rules but cannot go below 1 while the Living Breastplate is attached; The Living Breastplate loses its Pincers Strike while attached. While attached the Living Breastplate counts as worn armor with the following stat: Medium Armor, AC Bonus +4, Dex Cap +1, Check Penalty -2, Speed Penalty -5, Strength 14, Bulk 2, Armor Traits Comfort, Flexible. Can be etched with Fundamental Armor runes as normal, even if worn. Additionally the Host gains Resistance 3 + half their level to All Physical except byeshk, and Temporary Hit Points equal to your level plus Con modifier that resets during Daily Preparations and Treat Fortitude Critical Failures as Failures.

The Living Breastplate can repeat this action to remove itself from the Host otherwise it cannot be removed except by a Trained Medicine Activity that takes an hour and requires Healer’s Tools vs The Living Breastplate’s Fortitude DC+5.

Critical Success The Living Breastplate is successfully removed.

Success The Living Breastplate is removed but the former Host’s Enfeebled value goes up 1d4.

Failure The Living Breastplate is not removed and the Host’s Enfeebled value goes up 1d4.

Critical Failure The Living Breastplate is not removed, the Host’s Enfeebled value goes up 1d4 and the one making the check takes 1d6 damage.

Independent The Living Breastplate is it own creature gaining 3 Actions and 1 Reaction per turn even when attached by shares Initiative with their Host. While sharing Initiative the Living Breastplate can always take their actions before the host’s actions.

Suppress <Action> The Living Breastplate removes it benefits from being Attached from their Host but not the penalties for 1 turn or their Armor traits

Hinder <Action> The Host is Sickened 1 for 1 round; The Living Breastplate can repeat this action to increase the Sickened Value and the Host cannot retch.


| Uncommon | LE | Tiny | Aberration | Symbiont |

Perception +6; Blindsight 60 ft (precise)

Languages Undercommon (does not speak), Host Telepathy

Skills Athletics +3, Acrobatics +6, Stealth +7 (+9 if being concealed), Daelkyr Lore +3, Diplomacy +5, Intimidation +7

Str -1 Dex +4 Con +2 Int -1 Wis 0 Cha 0


AC 15; Fort +5, Ref +10, Will +7

HP 30

Immunity Visual

Conceal <Action> Requirement The Host is wearing something that covers their arm with the attached Tentacle Whip. Effect The Tentacle Whip wraps around their host’s arm and compresses themselves. Treat them as a Concealed object using their Stealth or their Host’s stealth, whichever is higher. While concealed The Tentacle Whip cannot strike or grant reach until it uses this action again to reveal itself.

Host Telepathy As long as the host has a language Tentacle Whip  can telepathically communicate with them.


Speed 10 feet

Melee Stinger +7 (reach 15 feet, agile, disarm, magical, trip) Damage 1d4 piercing damage plus Tentacle Whip Venom

Tentacle Whip Venom (poison); Saving Throw Fortitude DC 16; Maximum Duration 6 rounds; Stage 1 1d10 poison and flat‐footed (1 round); Stage 2 1d12 poison, clumsy 1, and flat‐footed (1 round); Stage 3 2d6 poison, clumsy 2, and flat‐footed (1 round).

Attach <<<3 Actions>>> Requirement Target must be Willing or Helpless and have at least one worn bracers slot free (A Tentacle Whip could remove something in that slot of a Helpless Target adding 2 more actions and turning this into Activity) Effect The Tentacle Whip attaches itself to the Target which is now referred to as the host; digging tendrils into the host’s forearm forming the bond. The Host becomes Clumsy 1 and recovers this condition as per standard Drain recovery rules but cannot go below 1 while the Tentacle Whip is attached. The Tentacle Whip gains the benefits of handwraps of mighty blows or similar objects their host is wearing but only from Fundamental Runes on it. The host gains unarmed sting strike with reach 15 feet, agile, disarm, magical, trip that in the brawl group that does 1d4 piercing damage plus the Tentacle Whip Venom as long as the Tentacle Whip isn’t concealed. Additionally any of the Host’s spells or abilities with a range of touch now have a range of 15 feet but are still melee attacks. 

The Tentacle Whip can repeat this action to remove itself from the Host otherwise it cannot be removed except by a Trained Medicine Activity that takes an hour and requires Healer’s Tools vs The Tentacle Whip’s Fortitude DC+5.

Critical Success The Tentacle Whip is successfully removed.

Success The Tentacle Whip is removed but the former Host’s Clumsy value goes up 1d4.

Failure The Tentacle Whip is not removed and the Host’s Clumsy value goes up 1d4.

Critical Failure The Tentacle Whip is not removed, the Host’s Clumsy value goes up 1d4 and the one making the check takes 1d4 damage and makes a save against the Tentacle Whip’s poison.

Improved Attack <Reaction> Requirement The Tenticle Whip is Attached to a Host Trigger The Host has targeted someone with the grantee unarmed Strike or the Tenticle Whil has targeted someone with their unarmed strike. Effect The unarmed strike gains a +1 to attack and an extra weapon die until the end of the turn; at the end of the turn the Host’s Clumsy value goes up by 1.

Independent The Tentacle Whip is its own creature gaining 3 Actions and 1 Reaction per turn even when attached but shares Initiative with their Host. While attached The Tentacle Whip can only Strike once per turn and does not share their Host’s MAP but does get a bonus to attack equal to half the Host’s level. While sharing Initiative the Tentacle Whip can always take their actions before the host’s actions.

Suppress <Action> The Tentacle Whip suppresses it granted unarmed strike and special reach for 1 turn.

Hinder <Action> The Host is Sickened 1 for 1 round; The Tentacle Whip can repeat this action to increase the Sickened Value and the Host cannot retch.


| Uncommon | LE | Tiny | Aberration | Symbiont |

Perception +5, Blindsight 60 ft (precise)

Language Undercommon (Does not speak), Host Telepathy

Skills Athletics +3, Acrobatics +6, Stealth +7 (+12 when attached), Daelkyr Lore +3, +5 Diplomacy, Intimidation +7

Str -2 Dex +4 Con +1 Int -2  Wis -1 Cha 0


AC 15; Fort +5, Reflex +10, Will +7

HP 19

Immunity Visual, Poison

Concealed Tongueworm is considered a concealed object when attached to its host; using its own Stealth or that of their host, which one is ever better.

Host Telepathy As long as the host has a language the Tongueworm can telepathically communicate with them.


Speed 15 feet

Melee +8 Sting (reach 5 ft, magical, evil) Damage 1d4+1 plus Tongueworm Venom

Tongueworm Venom (poison); Saving Throw Fortitude DC 16; Maximum Duration 6 rounds; Stage 1 Slowed 1 (1 round); Stage 2 Slowed 2 (1 round); Stage 3 Paralyzed (1 round).

Attach <<<3 Actions>>> Requirement Target must be Willing or Helpless and doesn’t have anything attached to their tongue Effect The Tongueworm attaches itself to the Target which is now referred to as the host; sliding down the host’s throat and attaching over their tongue to create the bond. The Host becomes Drained 1 but does not lose any Hit Points and recovers this condition as per standard Drain recovery rules but cannot go below 1 while the Tongueworm is attached. The Tongueworm gains the benefits of handwraps of mighty blows or similar object their host is wearing but only from Fundamental Runes on it. The host gains unarmed sting strike with agile, disarm, grapple, magical and evil traits that in the brawl group that does 1d4 piercing damage plus the Tongueworm Venom; this unarmed strike replaces any unarmed strikes associated with the mouth such as jaws unless the Host has more then one mouth. If this unarmed strike is used to grapple someone then the host cannot use Verbal actions while the grapple is going on. Additionally the Host Gains Immunity Poison. The Tongueworm can repeat this action to remove itself from the Host otherwise it cannot be removed except by a Trained Medicine Activity that takes an hour and requires Healer’s Tools vs The Tongueworm’s Fortitude DC+5.

Critical Success The Tongueworm is successfully removed.

Success The Tongueworm is removed but the former Host’s Drained value goes up 1.

Failure The Tongueworm is not removed and the Host’s Drained value goes up 1.

Critical Failure The Tongueworm is not removed, the Host’s Drained value goes up 1 and the one making the check takes 1d4 damage and makes a save against the Tongueworm’s poison.

Independent The Tongueworm is its own creature gaining 3 Actions and 1 Reaction per turn even when attached but shares Initiative with their Host. While attached The Tongueworm can only Strike once per turn and does not share their Host’s MAP but does get a bonus to attack equal to half the Host’s level. While sharing Initiative the Tongueworm can always take their actions before the host’s actions.

Suppress <Action> The Tongueworm suppresses it granted unarmed strike and Immunity Poison.

Hinder <Action> The Host is Sickened 1 for 1 round; The Tongueworm can repeat this action to increase the Sickened Value and the Host cannot retch.